Au doigt et à l'œil

A sad, sad song. I hoped I would never have to write Au doigt et à l’œil, but several recent unexpected personal clashes forced my hand. And while I was recording it, the subject of the song became a hot topic in local news.


Falling objects synchronized to produce rhythm. A 2009 video by Renaud Hallée. via Posted via web from sknob’s posterous

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Catégorisé dans Surfin'

How to get unstuck.

via Posted via web from sknob’s posterous

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Catégorisé dans Surfin'


Bandcamp is apparently the place to be. No, it isn’t a gathering of musicians in some remote mosquito-infested location. It is yet another music hosting site. Bandcamp‘s success probably has to do with the fact that it is easy to sell your music on the site. So I uploaded four songs to Bandcamp to try…

You DON'T Need to Tame your Inbox

There are a gazillion articles out there in the vaporworld about taming your email inbox, reaching « inbox zero », and nearly as many anal-retentive task-management strategies, à la GTD, to achieve this holy grail of neat-freakness (or is it freak-neatness?). Never mind that these strategies sold as universal remedies against chaos are heavily culturally biased, as…

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