Happy Birthday

See also: September 23, 2009 February 13, 2009

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Catégorisé dans Drawings


Président is the latest opus by my son Nico, 16. He wrote the music and lyrics. I merely recorded the instrumental tracks, following his strict instructions, and mixed his vocals in. You can listen to it on 1 mot, 1 chanson. So why are you still reading this?

Remote Possibility | Dead & Buried

Remote Possibility re-returns! Remote Possibility’s latest heavenly opus, Dead & Buried, is sure to haunt you till the end of time, or at the very least until some other catchy tune takes over your poor, defenseless brain. Proceed with caution.

Task Management with Mail.app

I have to juggle dozens of short-term to-do items at any given time, so I need a process that is fast and practical, so that things don’t fall through the cracks. I stopped relying on my memory a long time ago. Fast and practical in this case means simple. I like simple. So my process…

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Catégorisé dans Geekiness

Fear of the unknown.

via thisisindexed.com Posted via web from sknob’s posterous

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Catégorisé dans Surfin'

Image WTF du jour…

via trevoroldak.com Posted via web from sknob’s posterous

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Catégorisé dans Surfin'

Remote Possibility | Second Honeymoon

Remote Possibility returns! Second Honeymoon was written for NPR’s Record A Song This Weekend! challenge. To further complicate matters, the songs had to contain one of the following words : dog, firecracker, lampshade, Japan or NPR. Undaunted, Icepac (in Alberta, Canada) wrote all 6 words into his lyrics. He then sent the words to Sknoblogger…

Introducing Vincent Knobil | MUSIC

I’m proud to announce that my brand-spanking-new music-centric site is now online! Until now, my music was sprinkled all over the Web. I tried to make things a little easier on you by creating a My Music page on this blog, but it didn’t really change the fact that you had to surf to various…

New Music Sighting, Baby Edition

The Playground of the Baby Giants appears on the end credits of Gorgotan, a film written and directed by Buzz. I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, but I wanted to thank him by giving his work a little exposure.