KJFG by Alexei Alexeev, via Drawn!

via drawn.ca These animated shorts are the best I’ve seen in ages. The quality of the drawings and animation, and the strange, repetitive humor, made my day (be sure to check out all of the animations on the original Drawn post). Posted via web from sknob’s posterous


For some reason, I haven’t felt like sharing much in these parts for a while. Actually, for some reasons: Lack of time. Loss of desire to communicate in English, to an English-speaking audience. Loss of interest in what is going on in the US and the fate thereof (have a nice life, America). Twitter. Like…

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They Might Be Giants – Electric Car

Check out this website I found at drawn.ca TBMG are such incredible songwriters and arrangers. In all modesty, they are close musical cousins of mine… Posted via web from sknob’s posterous

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Catégorisé dans Surfin'

The Captivating History Of The Spork

By Sean Fallon, 10:00 PM on Fri Aug 28 2009, 4,933 views (Edit, to draft, Slurp) Whether you call it a « spork » or a « foon, » we must all ask ourselves where we would be without the genius that brought fork and spoon together as one. Actually, we owe a debt to several industrious culinary proto-spork…

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Universal Language?

World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale from World Science Festival on Vimeo.


Finally, a new song. Here’s the backstory, loosely translated from 1 mot, 1 chanson: Word-wise, it was just a matter of documenting a topical issue. Music-wise, I felt a strong urge to compose. The only preconceived idea that I had was to use a new symphonic sound bank. I wanted delicate, subtle timbres and intertwining, counterpunctal melody lines.…

I did it again…

I bought the new iPhone 3G S today. On launch day. I know… I skipped the iPhone 3G, so the feature-gap with my G1 iPhone made the upgrade worth it. The Geekette, bless her geeky soul, encouraged me to go for it (she should be getting the old iPhone, which is better than her old…

iPhone 3.0 Killer Feature

I installed iPhone OS 3.0 a little ahead of schedule (ahem) on my 1st generation iPhone 2G. I can’t comment on the features that will only work on the iPhone 3G S (yet), but as for the rest, I have to say that for me, the feature that stands out was somewhat unexpected: search. You see,…