It was true

Publié le Catégorisé dans Geekiness

Apple announced it was transitioning the Mac to the intel x86 architecture. After all these years of criticism… If you’re interested by this story, you’ll find plenty to read elsewhere.

Personally, while I don’t give a rat’s ass what kind of processor is running inside the box (as long as it is reasonably efficient), I do have a pretty good idea what this means for the developers who make my favorite Audio software: a lot of work. Porting their code and then maintaining (for a while) two versions of their software, one for their existing PPC customers and one for their Mac-on-Intel customers. Just when everything had finally made it over from OS9 to OS X, here we go again… Put another way, I’m worried the developers I depend on won’t bother with the transition given Apple’s small market-share…and that at some point in the future, I will have to run Windows or not use computers (the Linuxes and Unixes have even worse user interfaces than Windows…) Actually, I use Virtual PC everyday for my translation work, but Windows on Virtual PC on a Mac is in many ways much better than Windows running on a real PC (except for the speed of course)… Oh well, it’ll be interesting to see what details emerge and whether Mac sales will plumet just as they were looking up.

First the death of the European constitutional treaty, now this. Dark days…and a shitty week.

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