Under Her Dress

Publié le Catégorisé dans Making Music, Songs

[kml_flashembed movie= »http://vincent.knobil.free.fr/media/tinyrv_29_under_her_dress.swf » height= »178″ width= »150″ /]

Last Wednesday, two seemingly unrelated events occurred:

1/ Pamela wrote another delightful MagPo poem.

2/ I got my eager hands on the brand-new version 5 of Digital Performer, my main music-making software package. I promptly decided to try it out, focusing on its many new features.

So I fired up some of the new included virtual instruments, and laid out a little drum+bass+organ groove.

Then, on a whim, I opened Pam’s poem, and started writing a melody on top of the groove, guided by her words.

I kept going all day yesterday, adding vocals, guitars, and generally poking at the software, and then realized that I actually had a new song on my hands: Under Her Dress, lyrics by Pamela Poole, music by Vincent Knobil.

This morning, I tweaked a thing or two, did a quick mix, and added it to the Radio Vince (and mini Radio Vince, at the top of this page) playlists, for your listening enjoyment.

16/09/06 Update: Now available on Opsound and on SoundClick.
25/09/06 Update: Now with a tiny Radio Vince player!