Strike Two

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Got the second MacBook today. It had none of the flaws of the previous one, nor any that I’d seen mentioned on forums and such.

Good news, right?

Well, yes, except the screen is defective.

The angle of vision is all out of whack. At normal eye level, the top of the screen is OK and the bottom half is washed out. If I put my eyes at keyboard level, the lower half is fine, but of course, the top half is too dark. The defect is sufficiently pronounced that I can’t get a uniform color on the height of the screen.

While I might dismiss the problem if I were only going to do Windows translation work on the machine, I’m getting Web design work, and I need to be able to trust the colors I see on the screen! And besides, as I mentioned previously, the screen on the MacBooks I’d seen so far were really gorgeous…

So it’s going back to Apple (who are very helpful and willing to help) and I’ll be receiving a third one sometime next week if the same pattern holds.

Three times’ a charm?

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