Sponge Mode

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After a burst of activity around these parts, things have been rather quiet lately.

For one thing, my muse is far away.

For another, I’ve been working like a fiend. For once, I’d love to talk about that, because I’ve been translating pretty high-visibility stuff, for instance for a company whose products I use and praise quite frequently on this blog (hint, hint, nudge, nudge, know what I mean, know what I mean?). But thats where NDA’s come in, so I won’t say anything more.

It’s not like there’s nothing to talk about. There’s too much in fact.

For instance, it’s amusing (so to speak) to see the US try to figure out how to fix the system while Europeans are trying to figure out what to replace it with.


What about you? Are you A, B, C or D?

Blogging, posting links to silly videos, let alone reading inane chatter on Twitter don’t seem like particularly interesting pursuits in light of everything that’s happening.

I guess I’m simply in sponge mode.

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