Elections for Dummies (élections, piège à cons ?), Round Two

Following my previous installment on the elections, and especially following Wednesday’s debate, all the polls are showing a widening gap in favor of Sarkozy, who is poised to win by a large margin. His greatest accomplishment, is to somehow have managed to be seen as a candidate of change, even though he was the « number…

NO QUARTER: Fox News Gallery

NO QUARTER: FOX NEWS, Crazy Right Wing Propaganda contains dozens of screenshots that truly boggle the mind. The one pictured above made me laugh. Most of the others definitely didn’t. Who needs reality, especially when it contradicts your point of view?

A Few Pearls of Wisdom from Kurt Vonnegut

Let’s take a break from the crazy, fundamentalist Jesus-fascists and those who shamefully tolerate them (out of indifference or some strange reluctance to challenge anything having to do with religion, even in the case of religion gone wild). There are (or used to be) illustrious American artists and original thinkers around. For instance, Kurt Vonnegut…

Elections for Dummies (élections, piège à cons ?)

So, the election campaign is in full swing. No, not in the US, in France. The first round is on April 22, of this year, and the second round is two weeks after that (yes, we always vote on Sundays. Further evidence that the French are godless, satan worshippers?) France’s politicians distinguish themselves by their…

Falwell Says Global Warming Tool of Satan

Ethics Daily reports that Falwell Says Global Warming Tool of Satan. No, he’s not saying that Satan is causing global warming to spite us measly mortals. Moral Majority founder Jerry Falwell, who has worked for decades to involve conservative Christians in politics, said Sunday the debate over global warming is a tool of Satan being…


If you sometimes check out my Google Shared Items links or page, then you’ll have noticed that I often link to articles about religious and political extremism in the US. I’m thinking of articles such as this one that I urge you to read. Doing this might seem like typical liberal blogging to Americans, but…

Supreme Soviet

(Forty percent of) the people have spoken. The bad news for the democrats is that they won both houses of congress. They therefore have no excuse for not repealing the patriot act, the « torture bill » and all the other bills that make living in the US so similar to living behind the iron curtain during…


The political situation in the US, the war, the hijacking of democracy, global warming, and the apathy of the American public towards these issues have me frothing at the mouth. My usual technique to modestly weigh in and to express my outrage is to write a song (see Flag Etiquette, Dark Indigo, Dinosaur, The Playground…

Thugs vs. Thugs

I’m constantly ranting about how bad things have become here in the US, even though they were already pretty bad when I lived there in the 80’s under Reagan & Bush Sr. Yet I’ve been reluctant to blog about it. Why? Because the most disheartening aspect of the situation here is the obvious, observable fact…