The Making of Geeks In Love: The Look and Feel

Once I had the characters of Geeks In Love where I wanted them, I was faced with a number of other choices. Which format? The US, comic-strip, funnies, format or the more familiar and flexible European bandes dessinées (BD) format that I grew up with? I settled on the US comic strip style for several…

The making of Geeks In Love: The Characters

The Geekette Once I started drawing the first sketches of Geeks In Love, I pretty much nailed the Geekette right away. I knew I wanted simple lines. In other words, I wanted boil down the characters as much as possible, to their essential characteristics. If a line or a detail could be left out, it…

Doodle of the day

Actually, I did this one of Sophie a while back, but it’s on my wall so I shot it.

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Catégorisé dans Drawings


I’ve been drawing since I was a kid. Did a lot of comics (see an example of some really ancient tragic strips here). And I always have a piece of paper on my desk on which I write stuff down and…doodle. Most of the time, the doodles end up in the trash, but a few…

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Catégorisé dans Drawings

Tragic Strips

Added some prehistoric Multimedia Authoring output circa 1980-something. Check out a sample of these truly Tragic Strips.