tiny Radio Vince

Hot on the footsteps of Radio Vince and mini Radio Vince (at the top of this page), here comes tiny Radio Vince, which I will henceforth use to allow playback of a single song. Thanks to tiny Radio Vince, you won’t have to wade through 30 plus songs to listen to my new releases, and…

Microsoft Hell

Haven’t been inspired to blog much. I’ve been too busy with work and my new life. I’ve been translating a lot, on my new MacBook, which has worked flawlessly so far. The only problems I’ve run into are Windows bugs, « features », and general bad ergonomics, hallucinatingly complex workflows to achieve the simplest tasks, etc. Besides…

The true value of Blogging

Blogging true believers like to hype the communal virtues of blogging. They claim that blogs are a new form of interactive communication, that the value of blogs are the « blog-rolls » (list of links to other blogs) and the commenting (which, you’ll remember, I had to turn off due to comment spam, although my recently installed…

Coming up for air

Haven’t had any time for sknoblog or any other artistic activity lately. I’ve been doing software localization and translation work to feed the kiddies. Most translation work in the Internet age is outsourced by software companies to China and India, and translation rates have fallen dramatically (generally to a few lousy cents per source-language word).…