Sony's Escalating "Spyware" Fiasco

This is as good a summary as any of Sony’s Escalating « Spyware » Fiasco, or how to treat all your customers as potential thieves with disastrous consequences. According to at least one report I have read, 500000 networks have been infected by malicious code piggybacking on the Sony copy-protection code. From a corporate perspective, pirating isn’t…

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Catégorisé dans Geekiness

Long time no post

I’m busy…working 🙁 As is often the case, I did feel like commenting on various current events (US gov’t approving intelligent design & torture, riots in France by French youth who want to be treated like mainstream citizens, not replace the French republic by an islamic one, etc, etc.), but there is plenty to read…

La pâte à son

Go to Click « enter » and then choose « La pâte à son ». It’s a beautiful little music making-machine. Click on the « ? » for some help bubbles if needed. I’m totally hooked…

Declaring an end to the loudness wars

Declaring an end to the loudness wars. A very interesting article by a very experienced sound engineer, for anyone interested in music and sound. At my very modest level (no pun intended), Barry Diament’s posts on OS X Audio have had a real influence on how I master my recordings. No more loudness for loudness’…

Short break

Off to the Normandy countryside for a few days. Specifically, I’m going there, which is right about here.

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Catégorisé dans Site News

"Trust" on GarageBand: Epilogue

The review process for Trust on is now over. It got the worst score of any song I’ve posted on GarageBand so far. Actually, over several weeks, I went through the mostly excruciating process of reviewing songs on GarageBand because I wanted to post Leather Jacket. I was only 2 reviews shy of earning…