Audio & Politics

I hang out a lot on OS X Audio, a site dedicated to audio on the Mac. The news aren’t updated often enough, but the forums are very active. Anyway, just before and after the US November elections, there were many heated threads debating US politics, some of which I eagerly participated in. (They eventually…

Come clean

Come clean. I hate to point to a crass marketing ploy to sell soap, but this is well done and oddly soothing.

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New York Changing

New York in the 30’s and today: Before and after photos. Brings back fond memories of my 8 years there. New York Changing | Douglas Levere | Rephotography | Changing New York | Berenice Abbott | Rephotograph | Then and Now | Then & Now | New York City | Past and Present | Old…

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Feeding the kids

Started a large translation with a very tight schedule yesterday. Posting here will be all but interrupted for a week or so :(. You might want to subscribe to the RSS feed (on the lower right, at least at the time of this writing) so you don’t come here for nothing and to be sure…

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Catégorisé dans Site News

Fellow Music-Makers

I’m occasionally contacted by fellow music-makers who have stumbled onto my stuff. I thought I’d occasionally point you to their music. Warning: this is not slick & sanitized FM-fare! You actually need an open mind and a brain in relatively good working-order to enjoy these. Matt Love has several band pages up on Soundclick. The…

N.1 in Belgium

N.1 in Belgium. Some good music. Belgium is an interesting little country where I spent my teens, and where I started making music. Over the centuries, it has been invaded and occupied by many ex-superpowers (Spain, France, The Netherlands), and with it’s three linguistic communities, it is a surprisingly culturally-rich and unique place. I naïvely…

Corgi Toys in Pictures

Corgi Toys in Pictures. I definitely had the James Bond Aston Martin, and the Batmobile… Ooh, just noticed two more: The Saint’s Volvo and…Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! T’was a long time ago, in the swinging London of the 60’s…

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User Interface Design

I’ve been mucking about with the CSS styles for sknoblog. The layout in WordPress, the system powering this, is controlled 99% via cascading style sheets (I’m usually lazy and resort to using tables a lot to layout my pages). An interesting (and ongoing) little experiment in user interface design (To give you an idea, this…

To Do

Work on the appearance of sknoblog. I just stole one of the designs lying around the web and changed the main color to my site’s orange. I’m not sure where I want to go yet (see previous post), and I’m not sure I want to keep all the stuff to the right (I’m not sure…