What's a poor renaissance man to do?

OK, so my main site was created in a hurry on a day I needed a showcase for my numerous skills ;). Over time, only the Making Music section has been updated somewhat regularly. On more than one occasion however, I have felt the urge to post tidbits, rants, and such, but it was just…

Site News: Appliance-Intelligence

I’ve been working on new stuff (a commission), but before I eventually release some of it here, I’m unearthing "Appliance-Intelligence," another golden oldie in the wake of Flag-Etiquette. I hope you’ll enjoy the drama.

Site News: Flag Etiquette

To welcome the fall, here’s a golden oldie resurrected from oblivion in time for the November festivities in the US. It is indeed our duty as patriotic citizens to know and practice proper Flag Etiquette!

Site News: Orange Boy

[kml_flashembed movie= »http://vincent.knobil.free.fr/media/tinyrv_21_orange_boy.swf » height= »178″ width= »150″ /] Some more exciting music released today: First and foremost, check out Orange Boy on the featured songs page. You can also go have a listen to All Day Long, a new minor opus which was added to the Radio Vince playlist at the same time.

Site news: Dinosaur

[kml_flashembed movie= »http://vincent.knobil.free.fr/media/tinyrv_19_dinosaur.swf » height= »178″ width= »150″ /] Check out Dinosaur, the gigantic new hit single, and perfect one-year-later companion piece to Dark Indigo. Changed the making-music section architecture.

Site news: At Your Service

Inaugurated the new At Your Service section. About time! Too busy making music, authoring multimedia, finding just the right translation, and otherwise designing Interfaces. I’ve also peppered the site with little changes.

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Site news: Radio Vince!

Introducing Also, the Contact item now points to a nice page from which you can drop me a note directly (mail form). Finally, the Dark Indigo page was updated with a blurb on the indecent death of the MP3.com service on which Dark Indigo was hosted. I also obviously had to update the link to…

Tragic Strips

Added some prehistoric Multimedia Authoring output circa 1980-something. Check out a sample of these truly Tragic Strips.

Pauline Louis: Collages

Added a link to a guest site, accessible from here and the from the Outro section, that you can visit once you’re fed up with what’s here.

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