Stockholm Syndrome

Frogblog’s latest post about just another day in America is sobering, and I might have written it myself a while back (although not as elegantly). But having struggled through anger, denial, bargaining, depression and reached the acceptance stage, I can now follow America’s freefall with sad detachment. William Gibson nails it in his latest book,…

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David Byrne's Survival Strategies for Emerging Artists and Megastars

Wired has posted a great article by David Byrne (one of my absolute favorite artists): David Byrne’s Survival Strategies for Emerging Artists and Megastars. It’s a great overview of the changing landscape of the music industry, that also includes great insights on the nature of music as a social phenomenon (read the What is Music…

Le Monde Article Available Online!

I recently mentioned Plus belle, ma vie en ligne, the wonderful article by Claire Ulrich in Le Monde 2 that happened to mention me and Pamela, and led to Le Monde 2 publishing a Geeks In Love episode. In both posts, I bemoaned the fact that Le Monde 2 had paradoxically no online presence. Well,…

Sans titre, by Pierre Feytis

I’m pleased to point you to a short movie by Pierre Feytis, Sans titre, which happens to feature my Orange Boy song (in French, iffy sound). I’m delighted that my music keeps popping up in strange and unexpected places.

télétravail 2.0

I’ve started a new blog on telecommuting in the high-speed Internet age: télétravail 2.0. I’ve been meaning to blog about my thoughts and experiences on the subject for a while, but I came to the conclusion that sknoblog wasn’t the place to do it. For one thing, sknoblog is eclectic enough as it is. Also,…

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La vie connectée

Beautiful article in the annual high-tech issue of Le Monde 2 this weekend on « The connected life », and I’m not only saying that because the article mentions Pamela and me. I certainly am not a luddite who sees the Internet as a worrisome or scary hotbed of pedophiles and terrorists and anarchists exchanging recipes on…

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Ingenuity: Dustpan with built-in vacuum (and US military expenditures)

Two seemingly unrelated tidbits of information I came across today: One, in my ongoing Ingenuity series, is the dustpan with built-in vacuum, as seen on Boing Boing. Two is this little thought experiment on the Boston Globe: If the Bush administration succeeds in its latest request for funding for the war in Iraq, the total… The Jesus Chair

Hmm, quite disturbing, on many levels 😉 Found on Pictures via The Presurfer.

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Mark Morford: American kids, dumber than dirt…

I’ve mentioned and/or linked to Mark Morford’s articles here before. Today’s article, American kids, dumber than dirt / Warning: The next generation might just be the biggest pile of idiots in U.S. history, is a necessary, albeit terrifying read. Further compelling evidence that the U.S. are absolutely doomed. As for the rest, well, the dystopian…

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