1 mot, 1 chanson: Déboussolé

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The last few months have been insane and I didn’t have time to think about music-making, let alone actually do some.

I finally had time to sit down and start writing a new « one-word, one-song » song, but as I plodded laboriously along, I veered off-course into different, uncharted waters and ended up with something quite unexpected.

You see, I had written several pages of stuff, in somewhat of a trance, and when I separated the wheat from the chaff, I was surprised to discover a motif that I hadn’t consciously pursued.

But I was actually shocked to « discover » the barely veiled meaning behind the corny maritime metaphors.

The Muses had played a pretty amazing trick on me.

So despite my aversion to puns and seafaring, I couldn’t very well shove this perfectly accurate, nutshell description of my real-life journey under the rug.

Now that I may have piqued your interest, I have to confess that the words are in French, as you might have guessed from the title of this post.

Nevertheless, you might still enjoy the music.

Although to be honest, this song is built on only a couple of chords, but at least not on these fucking chords. Besides, in my musical world, it ain’t the chords, it’s the melody. (Hey, relax, I love jazz too!)

But at least, the song features the first public musical appearance of my funky new Danelectro guitar, alongside my cheap chinese nylon-string electro-acoustic cutaway, although if you have a good ear, you’ll notice that I’m having trouble tuning them properly.

I suppose it’s only fitting that this particular song was such a huge pain in the ass to record.

OK, so I’ll shut up now, and let you mosey on over to 1 mot, 1 chanson, to listen to Déboussolé.

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Catégorisé dans Songs

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