Trust – Johnny Unicorn Remix

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Johnny Unicorn is an L.A. based songwriter who got to review one of my songs on one day. He later contacted me to express his appreciation for my music, and asked if I might agree to let him remix some of it.

I’m always up for musical experiments and collaborations, so I immediately agreed. At his request, I sent him the tracks to Trust, and he eventually took some time in his busy schedule to remix it.

And here is the result.

I’ve never been remixed before (actually, that’s not strictly true) and it is a strange and exhilarating feeling. I really like the fact that Johnny’s musical style is immediately recognizable on the song. I had this notion, which probably betrays how fucking old I am, that remixing, a common practice these days, was more about sound engineering than making music. I also had trouble understanding why a talented, original and busy songwriter like Johnny Unicorn would consider spending (wasting?) time fiddling with somebody else’s song.

So I’m very flattered, and grateful to Johnny Unicorn for enlightening me (and my song).

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